An internal AI agent hosted on the on-premise AI Servers, ensuring student data privacy and regulatory compliance. It automates grading for assignments, quizzes, or exams, while preserving strict confidentiality protocols.
Core Features
- Secure & Local Processing
- Operates entirely within the institution’s network or an on-premises stand alone Grading AI Server.
- No external API calls—no student data leaves the campus environment.
- Automated Grading Workflow
- Assignment Submission: Instructors upload student work (essays, problem sets, code submissions) or integrate via the university’s LMS (e.g., Moodle, Canvas).
- Anonymization: Student IDs are replaced with unique codes, avoiding bias in grading.
- Rubric-Based Assessment: Teachers define scoring criteria. The agent applies these systematically, generating grades and feedback.
- Privacy & Compliance
- Access Controls: Only authorized faculty/staff can view grading details or change final scores.
- Encryption: All data is encrypted at rest and in transit.
- Audit Logging: Every grading action is logged, ensuring traceability.
- Teacher Oversight & Feedback
- Review Mode: Instructors can review and adjust AI-generated grades before finalizing.
- Detailed Reports: Summaries of common errors or achievements in a class, enabling targeted teaching adjustments.
- Instant Analytics: Performance stats and historical trends help educators spot patterns or areas needing curriculum improvements.
Value for the University
- Time Savings: Automates repetitive grading tasks, freeing educators to focus on teaching.
- Consistency & Fairness: Rubric-based grading with anonymization reduces human bias.
- Regulatory Compliance: Built-in security and audit features meet data protection standards (e.g., FERPA, GDPR).